Reissuing the Challenge for 2012!

The Whiting Refinery Team at the first Classic in 1985 in Texas City.

Join us in Whiting for the 28th Annual Torch Classic!

In 1985, Torch Classic founder Cory Webster, then a heavy equipment operator at Amoco’s Whiting refinery in Northwest Indiana, issued a challenge to sister refineries throughout North America to compete in a single softball game. The challenge? The losing team would fly the winning team’s state flag over their refinery for a year. A few months later, Webster received a reply — Texas City, Texas, had accepted the challenge.

Long after the end of that afternoon of competition, Whiting and Texas participants reflected upon the camaraderie and the new friendships they had made. They knew this event was something special, and they also knew the experience was worth repeating. So it began. So it continues. Less than 100 people participated in the event that first year. It didn’t take long for word to spread, however, and in just two short years thousands of employees representing BP/Amoco facilities from all over the world joined in the fun.

Now, 27 years later, we, the employees of Whiting and Texas City refineries, are once again issuing the challenge to all BP facilities worldwide, to come and play us in softball, basketball, tennis, volleyball, bowling, golf and a 5K run for charity for the 28th Annual Torch Classic. We will also be conducting Volunteer Day activities, where we will strive make a difference in the Whiting community.


The challenge has been issued, now it’s up to all of you to join us for the fun! Hope to see you in Whiting this June!

Visit the 2012 Classic information page for full details…